
The head of the department of soil and geological science. PROF. MARWA


Department of soil and geological science


Department of soil and geological science


The Mother of AGRONOMY




Tanzania Agronomy Society

Tanzania Agronomy Society is a broad Society of all Agronomist who are typically Tanzanian and who got most of their undergraduate Agronomy education, etc from Tanzania or any other country. Tanzania Agronomy Society aims at bringing all Agronomist in Tanzania very cross to together. This is basically very important as we appreciate this field for its uniqueness of feeding the people, boosting industrial development and others. The Tanzania Agronomy Society has been so quite for decades now simply because they had no PLATFORM to bring together their voices, but thr ough this PLATFORM we will be able to share, discuss, assist, educate, and unit our efforts to emphasize on Agriculture for Sustainable development of our Nation. I mostly invite all graduates of Agriculture at Sokoine University of Agriculture, and all over the  continents to join at this blog and I will be so thankful for that action. #eucharist celestine